Club Info

Opening Times

Main Club Night

Wednesday Evening: 7.30pm-10pm

Chilwell Olympia Sports Centre, Beeston, Nottingham. NG9 5HR

Fight Night

Tuesday Evening: 7.30 - 9.30pm | Fee - £5 per session

*Fight night is for fencers of all abilities, there are no courses or tuition and you must have full electric kit.

Algrave Hall off Hassock Lane North, Shipley, Derbyshire. DE75 7JB

(Algrave Hall is situated down a private drive, next to Shipley Garden Centre. Access is by the private drive on the right, past the end bungalow. Continue down the drive, turn left through the gates, park next to the house.)

Junior Members

All fencers aged 14 or under, MUST be accompanied throughout the entire evening by an adult. The supervising adult doesn’t have to be fencing, but must remain in the hall throughout the session.

Fencing Visitors

If you would like to visit our club and participate in one of our sessions please book in first by completing the form. (Link Below)

Our visitors sessions are Wednesday evenings.

8.00pm - 10pm | £6.50 per session.

Signing In

On club night’s we are all required to sign in each week for fire, health and safety regulations. Our Sign-In is situated at the entrance to the main sports hall. Parents who are remaining in the hall with their child must also sign in as a ‘Parent/Guardian’.

General Club Enquiries

To contact our Club Secretary, please email us using the form. Our email is not manned full time, we will reply as soon as possible.