Competitions Explained
Club, Regional, UK, European & Worlds
As with most sports there are many levels of competition, the fencing circuit can appear very confusing when you're new to the sport! Here you will find a general guide outlining all the different types of competition, from club level right up to world level. You will also find an indication of the required level of kit and British Fencing (BF) membership needed to fence in these competitions. Links to all the main fencing associations and confederations are in our Members Area.
*Please, please check all entry and kit requirements before you enter! Do not rely solely on this information, requirements change all the time. The latest advice will always be available on the competition entry form, at the club or contact the event organisers, please just ask!
By Nickola Beck
Chilwell Blades Championships
Each year our annual club championships is run over three consecutive Wednesday evenings at the beginning of September. It is a friendly, fun and enjoyable competition, open to all club members and the Beginners Course and a really great way to start your competition career and test your skills against many different levels of fencer in the club.
The competition is a mixed 6 weapon comp, meaning; Men and Womens Foil (MF, WF), Men and Womens Epee (ME, WE) and Men and Womens Sabre, (MS, WS), we also run a separate mixed Junior Foil competition (maximum age 16).
The competitions are held on the electric pistes. Medals are presented on the day to the winners in each weapon and Master-of-Arms for men and women. Club trophies are presented to the winners in each weapon at our Club Awards Event in October.
Required Kit - A minimum; 350 Newton Jacket, 800 Newton Plastron (even under the jackets with plastrons built in), 350 Newton Breeches, Long Fencing Socks.
Foil - Mask, Lame, Electric Glove, Body Wire, Electric Foil.
Epee - Mask, Electric Glove, Epee Body Wire, Electric Epee.
Sabre - Sabre Mask & Wire, Sabre Lame, Electric 800 Newton Glove, Body Wire, Electric Sabre.
Required BF Membership Level - Introduction or Starter.
The GBR & International Age Categories
GBR Cadets (U17) - Minimum Age 11
GBR Juniors (U20) - Minimum Age 13
GBR (U23)- Maximum Age 23
GBR Seniors - (Over 16) (For Senior World Cups & Grand Prix)
GBR Vets - Over 40 for European events / Over 50 for World events
BF Sport80
To enter competitions you need BF 'Compete' Membership, which you should already have as a member of the club. You will then have access to BF Sport80. Here you can login and will find your own BF profile. To find your event with all the details click 'Events' in the menu and from there you can enter.
East Midlands Region (EM)
Regional Competitions & Training Days
Our region is East Midlands (EM), they hold a series of competitions and training days throughout the year in Nottingham. Full details of all these events will be sent out and are also posted on our Facebook page and on the East Midlands Region Facebook page or East Midlands Fencing website.
Required Kit - Kit will change depending on the level of competition, the weapon and your age but there is a basic standard of kit required for all regional comps. Weapon-Size varies with age. Check the entry form for specified kit.
350 Newton Jacket, 800 Newton Plastron (even under the jackets with plastrons built in), 350 Newton Breeches, Long Fencing Socks
Foil - Mask CEN 1, Lame, Electric Glove, 2 Body Wires, 2 Electric Foils.
Epee - Mask CEN 1 , Electric Glove, 2 Epee Body Wires, 2 Electric Epees.
Sabre - Sabre Mask & Wire, Sabre Lame, Electric 800 Newton Glove, 2 Body Wires, 2 Electric Sabres.
Required BF Membership Level - Compete.
East Midlands British Youth Championships Qualifier - February
The qualifying competition to represent the East Midlands in the British Youth Championships.
East Midlands Beginners, Intermediates and Junior Competition - Early April.
A competition designed for first time entrants, giving you the chance to see if competitions are for you. Age 10 upwards.
East Midlands Regional Championships / GB Cup Qualifier - TBC
This is chance for you to meet and fence against all the other friendly fencers in the region with the bonus of possibly qualifying for the GB Cup. Age 13 upwards.
The GB Cup - June
This is a new annual national tournament for intermediate Regional fencers. Fencers will qualify through a Regional event for the National Finals.
LPJS Robin Hood Foil - September.
The Leon Paul Junior Series competition designed for junior foilists. Age U9 - U15
National Competitions - GBR
This is the main, British fencing circuit, good results from these competitions will lead to British ranking points, which can lead to selection for representing your country in team events. There is a certain degree of overlap between different ages and competitions. There are many other weapon specific, national competitions available. Selection not required so anyone can enter, unless specified on the entry form - always check! All these competitions are listed on the BF fencing calendar - BF Events.
Required Electric Kit - The majority of national competitions require FIE kit, this is particularly so in GBR competitions but some may allow some items of non FIE kit, check the entry form. Required BF Membership Level - Compete.
National Opens
'Opens' are held around the country in various cities throughout the fencing season.
Veteran Fencing Opens
'Veteran Opens' are held around the country in various cities throughout the fencing season for Veteran fencers (Over 40's). Veterans can also compete in senior competitions and opens.
The Leon Paul Junior Series - A national, junior competition circuit run by Leon Paul.
The Leon Paul Fencing Centre - A national, senior competition circuit held at the Leon Paul Fencing Centre, London.
British Championships
British Fencing Championships - April - Very high level competition for senior fencers.
British Veterans Championships - Vets - June - Very high level competition for veteran fencers - (Over 40's).
British Youth Championships - BYC's - Very high level competition for junior fencers.
British Cadet & Juniors Championships - Sept - Very high level competition for junior fencers.
The Winton Cup - Senior - June
A two day team event where teams from each region compete against each other. Teams can be made up of different levels of fencers although some level of experience is required. Selection only.
Veterans Winton Cup - Sept
A two day team event where veteran teams from each region compete against each other. Selection only.
Home Nations - ENG, WAL, SCO, IRE
Competitions for the home nations to compete against each other. England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland
all at Cadet, Junior, Senior and Veteran level. Team selection is made from qualifying at a specific
Veterans Home Nations - Apr
Youth Five Nations - Sept
European Fencing Confederation - EFC
European Fencing Championships
For Cadets, Juniors and Seniors, to participate in the European Championships you would have usually fenced on the GBR team and european selection would be made from that team.
For Veteran fencers (Over 40), it works on a two year rotation. You can enter the Individual Championships yourself one year, then the following year is team selection. For individual entries you only need to be a member of the BVF (British Fencing Veterans).
'Compete' BF Membership and FIE Licence.
International Fencing Confederation - FIE
The FIE host four main World events. Team selection is required in all events. 'Compete' BF Membership
and FIE Licence.
FIE Satellites
FIE Grand Prix Series - In 9 Cities
World Cup
World Championships